Making a Difference


The overdose reversal drug.

We provide Naloxone training for people in the Delaware County area. This training teaches people how to properly administer the overdose reversal drug Naloxone, the generic form of Narcan. Once a person is trained, they are given Naloxone kits. Each kit contains three 1 mL dosages of Naloxone, three sterilized needles, and a guide on the step-by-step process of assessing a person for an overdose and administering the Nalaxone.
Person-First currently distributes Naloxone as volunteers of the Indiana Recovery Alliance and can assist people in becoming certified as a Naloxone trainer to be able to distribute and train others on how to administer Naloxone.



Providing supplies for a better quality of life.


Safe works supplies are a huge step in helping people who use drugs live healthier lives. These supplies are sterilized and provide a safer alternative to DIY supplies. Examples of these include clean cotton, sterilized water, tourniquets, and band-aids.
These supplies help prevent the spread of harmful diseases and prevent infections and illness. Ultimately keeping people healthy and safe.



Education and destigmatizing conversation around drug use.

The biggest factor in helping those who use drugs is the stigma. By breaking down those barriers, we can genuinely find more love and help for people. Our educational materials help provide people who use drugs and people around those who use drugs with safe use tips, destigmatizing language, and factual information.